In this link you can find works of our students.

Rules for good listening






Here you have 2 beautiful works made in 5º B, Adrián and Lucía are their authors.

Adrián 5ºB (Small)

Lucía Pascual, 5º B (Small)

 Here, you can read a text that the students of the fourth grade have worked in,

texto 4ºB

And here some of their works in fourth grade:

María Andrada, 4ºB:

Andrada 4ºB

Claudia, 4ºB:

Claudia 4º B

Heidi, 4ºB:

Heidi 4ºB

José Luis, 4ºB:

Jose Luis 4ºB

Here you can see some of the pictures made in Halloween in Infant Education

Alejandro de la Torre, 5 años C

Dracula Alejandro de La Torre 5 años C (Small)

Jorge, 5 años C

Dracula Jorge 5 años C (WinCE)

Laura, 5 años C

Pumpkin Laura 5 años C (WinCE)

Samuel, 5 años C

Pumpkin Samuel 5 años C (WinCE)

Children in the first grade have worked «The 5 senses» in Science

Cosmocaixa. Nov 09 041

Cosmocaixa. Nov 09 042

Cosmocaixa. Nov 09 045

Thanksgiving day

Cosmocaixa. Nov 09 043

Cosmocaixa. Nov 09 048

Cosmocaixa. Nov 09 051

Cosmocaixa. Nov 09 052

Cosmocaixa. Nov 09 055

Science works in the third grade

Cosmocaixa. Nov 09 054

Cosmocaixa. Nov 09 050

Cosmocaixa. Nov 09 049

A house made in the first grade

2010_0206febrero20100002 (Small)

2010_0206febrero20100003 (Small)

Snowmen in the first grade

2010_0206febrero20100005 (Small)

2010_0206febrero20100006 (Small)

2010_0206febrero20100007 (Small)

2010_0206febrero20100008 (Small)


Some works made by first grade children.


Here you can see some works made in the first grade in May:

Bo and the Beasty Bunch



Parts of a plant: